42 players have been signed up for this competition as of 5:29 PM Thursday 30th January
Stuart Alff (22.5) |
Baxter Atkins (-0.9) |
Caleb Atkins (13.7) |
Ben Biltcliffe (28.0) |
Roma Biltcliffe (16.3) |
David Bradwell (24.2) |
Des Brockwell (4.3) |
Gary Brockwell (2.1) |
Ray Brockwell (22.8) |
Sean Brockwell () |
David Cooke (31.1) |
Andrew Dalton (9.6) |
Greg Duvall (14.3) |
Nick Duvall (14.0) |
Jamie Edwards (13.0) |
Paul Edwards (8.8) |
Andy Harris (Willingdon Golf Club) |
David Harris (8.9) |
Jack Harris (7.7) |
Richard Hine (Willingdon Golf Club) |
Alex Hughes (2.3) |
Martin Hughes (10.4) |
George Kyprianou (28.1) |
Stephen Kyprianou (11.5) |
Andrew Lawrence (9.6) |
Lewy Lawrence (2.1) |
Peter Lawrence (The Lottbridge Golf Club) |
Chirs Morris (8.0) |
Harry Pearson (19.0) |
Andreas Photiou (21.1) |
Iryna Photiou (13.2) |
Elaine Robinson (25.7) |
Jonny Robinson () |
Alex Targett (15.0) |
Nigel Targett (13.9) |
Nick Ward (-1.8) |
Simon Ward (12.3) |
Linda Warwick (22.1) |
Sean Welch (7.2) |
Tom Welch (-0.6) |
Jason Wilton (20.8) |
Tyler Wilton (31.1) |